Sunday, June 14, 2009


It seems that I have forgotten the existence of my blog. I would apologize but since I'm pretty much the only one who reads this, there should be no need of doing so. I've been too busy and life's too dull. I think that the only way to continue posting stuff would be jotting down my thoughts and rant about them later. Hmm..Maybe....

Saturday, March 14, 2009


The title pretty much says all. I'm bored. I'm so bored that I can barely move due to how lazy I've gotten in the past couple of hours. The sky's gray, I can't go out, the sun is nowhere to be found, most of my friends aren't online, I have no homework to do, I have nothing to read, no ideas to sketch, and my best friend is out of town. Blarg. Rocks are having a less boring day than I am. I've been cooped up in house for to long. Now I know what a bird in a cage feels like. If I do not find something to do soon, insanity will kick in. And when I mean insanity I mean the kind of madness people get locked up for. Yeah...that won't be a pretty sight. But what to do??

Friday, February 27, 2009


When parents ask their children "what did you learn today?" they usually say something utterly boring or just complain. Some kids, though, just say nothing. They say nothing because what you learn in school is not what you should learn-it's just stuff that fills your brain with facts and knowledge which should be used "for the better good". What you should learn, though, is learned along the way no matter where you are nor what you are doing. For instance, today I learned something new..and no, it has nothing to do about why Captain John Smith wrote narrative accounts that exagerated the truth or why Jamaica went through difficult times economically speaking. No, what I learned it better than that.
So today I went out for dinner. My mom and her bf were quarreling for a good half hour about where we should go and my little brother was moping and crying like some 2 year old girl who dropped her icecream. So by the time we got to the restaurant you could say my temper was good as gone. But then this little duet came over. He played the piano, she sang. And then I heard those two keys. Those little overwhelming notes that I could identify no matter in what state of mind I was in. They started playing Fly Me to the Moon by Sinatra, which is my favorite song by him. I was once again in a good mood, singing with my mother like some drunk girls in a bar. And everyone was in a good mood. The rich, the middle class, the business men, the tree huggers. Everyone. You had the handsome guys from Denmark laughing, the French owner dancing, the rest of the Europeans clapping. Smiles everywhere.
And then I realized, being happy is not because of how successful you are or how smart you may be...being happy is doing what you love to do despite everything else. Here was this French guy who can speak many languages.So smart. So talented. Yet here he was running a little restaurant instead of doing something else. But he was happy. Because, in the end, people do not see you for how much money you have in your wallet or the kind of car you have..they see you by how happy you are and how well you're doing in life. It is true that the world is a cruel place and this mixed economy is unfair. It is true that you are either successful in life or your simply worthless. People are suffering everyday because of this. But to see these people, so carefree, so happy, does one's economic life actually matter that much? We should all be like them..happy...with no worries.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Seriously. I don't think anyone could be happier that the week is over than I am. School is literally a living hell. I once said I could easily avoid drama, not letting it get to my head but drama is unavoidable. I still don't let it get to me, but its killing us all and I'm one of the few still standing..somehow. It's like World War II in there. We've even got a female Hitler and A-bombs falling from the sky. You probably think I'm exagerating here, but here's a summary of what's going on:

This girl was kicked out of the prep's lunch table due to being a complete hypocrite and became best friends with my friend, Marilis. This hypocrite moved to England for a year because her dad had some business stuff going on around there. She came back. Still a hypocrite. Still a liar. Still cold hearted. Still a back-stabber. Of course, no one but my best friend and I knew this (or better said, remembered who she really is). She became friends with all of my friends, trying to get to the top no matter what she had to do. So this year the expected happened. She betrayed them, got them into trouble, lied so that everyone would feel bad for her, and now she goes on insulting my friends. 5 of them cried more than once due to her and I haven't been in school for even 2 months. So today she betrayed her so called "best friend" and boy did she cry.

So that's some of the drama. My original plan was to go home and sleep, hoping that it will get rid of the headache and the urge to kill but I went to my best friend's house instead. Ale, for that's my best friend's nickname, got online and the hypocrite started to talk to her, playing the Im-the-victim-here game. It go so horribly annoying that I ended up sitting on my hands and banging my head against her desk so that I wouldn't think about talking to her (actually let's go with insulting her.) But alas, it's all over.

So thank god it's Friday. I saw Sweeney Todd again while eating an M&M McFlurry. You gotta love Tim Burton and Johhny Depp. You can't stay pissed while watching their stuff. My nails are a delightful shade of dark purple and I just finished watching Chicago. Great day. Thank god the week is over, I can finally get some rest.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Kayloo is an awesome person. I absolutely lubs her ^_^ Then again, if I didn't love her she wouldnt be my gf. That's right. She's my gf. Jealous aren't you? She's really sweet and understanding..not to mention hilarious. Usually when I meet girls online they're really preppy.. and girly.. get the point. But not Kayloo. She's awesome like that lol xD
She be reading this btw. HI KAYLOO! Haha. Despite our different twin preferences (yay nate!) u rock xDOh yeah, i wouldnt mess with kayloo if i were u. Why?
1. I'll beat you up. (lmao just kidding..or am I? >_>)
2.She'll slaughter you with her words. Kayloo never loses. Mhmmmm. lol IM GONNA POST TEH SONG!!! woot! To youtube! :D
LMAO funny Scrubs video!!!! What was i going to do again? Oh our beloved song. This song I'm going to post btw is absolutely, unbelievably incredible. ^^ Ok so I think i be done with my Kayloo post. Bye bye! ^_^

Monday, February 9, 2009


Love. Now that's something I both love and hate. I love the feeling of being in love but, to me, love is just another way to get hurt.Tortured.Insane. Yes, I may only be a junior and you can go on saying that I don't know what I'm talking about but if there's one thing I know about it's love.

A long time ago I was given a book called "This Side of Paradise" but was told not to read it til I was older because I wouldn't understand it. He was right. The book is about empty flirtations, broken hearts, lies..til the character gets to the point where he's "cynical and world-weary." That's how I am. That's how many of us are. My eyes have lost their glow-that glow you'd get when you're in love and feel nothing but joy. But I'm done with all that. I can barely feel. I've forgotten what it feels like to be in love.

So I'm sick of it. I'm sick of waking up every morning for school just to put up with everyone's cheesy, gooey love stories that I honestly do not give a damn about. For instance, it's almost valentines day. Half the people I know are talking about their dates and the other half are mourning because they just broke up with their beloved ones or mourning because the one they love someone who likes someone else. News flash classmates: I know how that feels. I've been there and put myself together. I may be horribly bitter now but I put up with it so just quit mourning and pull yourself together before I literally kill you.

The truth is, people aren't worth falling in love with. The world is filled with lies and disappointment and will remain that way. And if you can't trust, how can you love? I've seen people I know emotionally destroyed due to love. Do they deserve it? No. But it happens.

I now have this killer headache but how can you not get a headache after listening to everyone's love stories and giving them advice I was forced to give. The only people I choose to help are those that I offer my help to. And here's what I got to say to end this blog: It may not be today or tomorrow, but someday you'll find the love of your life. Don't go wasting your emotions because if he/she doesn't pay attention to you, who are worth fighting for, then they're simply not worth your tears and smiles. Let them live their lives in misery while you find someone who'll pay attention to you as you do to them. Falling for those not worth it is a mistake.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Beach

So I just came back from the beach. What fun, being with 12 relatives in one house with a beach all to ourselves, away from the stress and all that horrible drama. Ahh, I'll miss the beach. On the plus side, I have a wonderfu tan and I smell beach-y :) Then again I'm freezing my ass off right now lol.

The beach is fun: playing beach tennis, building sandcastles, playing with my uncles to see who makes it out of the water in one piece wat with the killer waves, shooting cans with an air gun, chasing lil cousins and sitting on the window ledge like some cat. Fun Fun Fun. I love it. Best time to go swimming? Well if you're like me who loves to play with the waves, trying to survive without drowning, I'll say around 7 am. But sunset is good too.Photobucket
Shame though. I kinda left without telling anybody. Sort of like a last minute thing. The only thing I had time to do was change my status. And i missed you all like you have no idea. First person I missed besides my best friend (i always miss her lol) was my beloved Kayloo. :P Not my fault I was listening to Presley *cough* Then, and i hated this so much, I thought about Fabio. But what would YOU think about if your uncle had his 50s-80s playlist playing and your grandfather was talking about Soviets while drinking beer?! Lol. Then came Rain and Random..who i think also lives in Florida. News Flash Florida: Your beaches are WORTHLESS! Haha. I thought about alot of people and had this huge craving for my labtop. But I had loads of fun and nothing can change that.

Oh yeah, I learned a couple of things these past few days. First thing I learned I was in some minimarket to get some snacks:

1. Beer can turn even the kindest, most intelligent man into some vulgar, worthless animal.

2. Never let my aunt or sister buy my swimsuits. I need something you can swim in without worrying about something falling off.

3. I got my curious, gossip loving side from my grandmother

4.All men, straight or not, are at least a little bit proud and macho. lol